But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.
Second Peter 3:18
It's difficult to see predictible change when you're young. It's difficult to accept predictible change when you're older. It doesn't mean you can't see it coming if you're young or that it's impossible to accept if you're older. With so much change change happening around us at the moment, the need to learn how to, at least, see and accept change is perhaps more urgent than ever. But seeing and accepting predictible change is only two thirds of the solution. Change must be managed. And while to many it doesn't feel like it can be (and certainly not every aspect of how life unfolds is within our control to manage), there is perhaps more than can be done to help manage change than obviously most realise. This was again just reinforced to me this morning.
In 1997, we held a members meeting at Legana where I shared with our then small church that we needed to look beyond our four walls because technology would enable us reach out in unimagined ways to countless numbers of people. Most people scoffed at this. But we took the necessary steps to ride the multi-media change that began back then and today we nearly have as many people watching our live Sunday service electronically as we do participating in our building.
God will give ear and humble them,
he who is enthroned from of old, Selah
because they do not change
and do not fear God.
Psalm 55:19
¶ Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.
First Corinthians 9:24
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Second Timothy 4:7 ¶
As Kim and I came away from our coffee this morning, we drove past the old Chalmers Church (on the Corner of St. John and Frederick Streets) and thought of all the hard work, all the prayer, all the preaching, and all the giving that went into making that Church possible and what a shame it was that at some point its congregation and leaders didn't foresee, accept, and manage the necessary change that eventually led to its demise. The day we as a church ignore change, refuse to change, and mismanage change, will be the day we stop fearing God (Psalm 55:19) and become irrelevant.
¶ Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
Hebrews 12:1
The changes that are unavoidably coming into my life over the next immediate chapter necessitate that I change with their introduction. The changes that are needed for us as a church to grow and reach those in our world - who are lost in bondage to the gods of materialism and therefore without hope and in eternal peril - must be recognised, accepted and managed. To do this, we must be open to God in prayer, grounded in Scripture, connected to those who have not yet accepted God's forgiveness, and have the courage to dare to exercise godly leadership and initiate wise changes. Two thousand years of Church history tells us that when churches don't do this, they die. When a church is not prepared to change where it meets, what it does as it meets, when it meets, its style of music, its fashion, its methodof communicating, and its programs, it is going to be irrepairably ruined by the change it is resisting. This should never happen to a church because at the foundation of following Christ is dramatic change! After all, when we converted from idolising ourselves to surrendering to Christ as our Saviour and Lord, it was like going from darkness into light, death to life, and abandonment to adoption. Christians, more than anyone, should be aware of how God changes entire states and nations over generations down through centuries. This is why I think not merely in terms of the next few years, but the next few centuries and the glorious plans our glorious God has for our church to give Him great glory - if we get changed well.
Ps. Andrew
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