Friday 16 March 2012


No. I don't merely mean a favourite Bible verse. Is there a particular verse of the Bible that has helped you more than any other? I have one - though I didn't think that I did. F.W. Boreham wrote a short series of books about other people's. His "Texts That Changed History" series sold millions of copies. It seems we're all fascinated with other people's Life Verses.

"The just shall live by faith" was Martin Luther's. It became the text that birthed the Reformation and eventually changed the world. "Go into all the world and teach them" was David Livingstone's. Others have held particular Bible verses that would have to be considered their favourite by virtue of its singularly dominant power to shape the soul of that person. That's why these particular verses might best be described as Life Verses. Do you have a "Life Verse"?

I don't think I've got a favourite verse of the Bible. But I do have to admit that there are probably two competing verses in my soul vying for the title of Andrew's Life Verse. In some respect these verses are very similar but upon closer and more considered examination they are starkly different. On the one hand one of these verses emphasizes God's beneficent Sovereignty, and on the other is a verse that instructs me how to relish in God's beneficent Sovereignty.

As I reflect on the condition of my soul, one word resounds: peace. I feel peace. I am at peace. While all around me is at times calamitous it doesn't ruffle my soul. It used to. But that was before these two verses gripped me. Even when I make a mistake, sin, fall, lapse, I am comforted immeasurably simply by these two pillars of granite that have irreversibly shaped me. I see other walking through the same storms and stumbling while these two lanterns give me the light to get back up and keep going -  and not with a reluctant attitude, but with a joy for the privilege of being able to do so. The first verse is Romans 8:28, the second is like it, yet different: First Peter 5:7.

How can I choose between them? If I must I will. I'm drawn to the Romans verse over and over again. It is easy and delightful for me to be so drawn because it lies like a jewell in the midst of a very glorious treasure chest of of wonderful verses. Romans 8 is undoubtedly the most wonderful chapter of the Bible. This gives Romans 8:28 an almost unfair advantage for the title of Andrew's Life Verse.

First Peter 5:7 sits differently. Almost like a very precious gold coin tossed aside among seemingly uninteresting debris, it catches the reader off-guard. It is the rare and very precious gold coin that sits among what is mistaken for the common gems of Peter's wisdom to a suffering church. I can not count the times I have pulled this coin from my pocket and drawn comfort and strength from it. It's golden promise is more valuable to me than all of the gold in all of the world. If it wasn't for Romans 8:28, First Peter 5:7 would stand grandly as my Life Verse.

As it is, if I had to choose just one of my two contending Life Verses, I'm inclined to go with Romans 8:28.  It gives me the assurance that even when things are horrible - God still has a good plan being perfectly worked out in my life for His glory. It helps me to bounce back after I fail. It counsels me when I fail. It takes me from comparing myself with others and feeling like a loser to realising that God's plan for me is God's only plan for me. While I wear Romans 8:28 like a necklace so that it is ever close to my heart, I keep First Peter 5:7 in my pocket. But enough about me. What is your "Life Verse" and why?
Father, help me to live with all of Your Word in my heart and help me to trust You even when it's difficult to do so. Amen.
Ps. Andrew Corbett
Legana, Tasmania
16th March 2012 

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