Thursday 13 November 2008

Faith & Feelings...

"Guard your heart" writes Solomon, "for out of it flow the sellsprings of life." (Proverbs 4:23) Solomon should have taken his own advice! He allowed his heart to be unguarded and eventually the water from his heart's wellspring flowed in the wrong directions. An unguarded heart makes a person feel wrong things. An unguarded heart allows thoughts to become emotional feelings. An guarded heart allows these emotional feelings to become the dictates of our life. In effect, Obe Wan Kanobe's counsel to the young Luke Skywalker was: "Have an unguarded heart Luke" (he actually said, "Trust your feelings Luke").

Many years ago, a fallen husband sat in my office and defended his failure. He told me that he had developed feelings for someone else and that while he still loved his wife, he also loved this other woman. "I can't control my feelings" he said, "I must be true to my heart." Neither of these statements are Biblical. In fact, they are Satanic. The Bible teaches us that we have direct control over our emotional feelings and that our hearts must be guarded, regularly cleansed, and rarely trusted.

Jeremiah 17:9The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately sick; who can understand it?

King David who had often left his heart unguarded pleaded with the Lord-

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me.

What Solomon should have known, and what the ignorant husband that day in my office didn't know, was that feelings follow actions and actions follow decisions and decisions follow thoughts. To dwell on something too long is a choice. This choice leads to a decision. This decision produces an action. This action produces a feeling. Another way of saying guard your heart is:

  • be careful what you choose to think about and dwell on;

  • be more careful what choices you make especially if they are hasty and uncounselled;

  • be even more careful about what course of action you take especially if you know that it compromises the teaching and commands of Christ

  • be most careful about aligning your life's values by what you feel in your heart because "the heart is deceitful above all things" - your heart is often like Gomer (Hosea's wife)!

  • Of course understanding how our emotions work can help us to understand how we can better love someone, forgive someone, and achieve Christ-likeness. It starts with our thinking. Consider Philippians 4:8-9. It starts with our minds and what we choose to put into them. May God help us to reject wrong thoughts and replace them with good thoughts. May God help us to make right choices based on good thoughts. May God help us to guard our hearts! May God help us to guard our hearts and build stronger, more godly lives and families. As a result, may God help us to build the kind of church where we have our hearts in His Presence, His Word and His House.


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